
In this post, I will be giving a brief explanation of ‘what is SEO’ from definition to simple best practice you could implement right away as well talk about why it’s worth investing in. This is for those who generally want the answer to this question as it isn’t technical at all. If you are already implementing some SEO on your site, then this may not be for you.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It is the process of optimising your site for Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and other less common (in the west) international Search Engines like Baidu. The optimisation of your site is important if you want to rank high on the organic Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) ie page 1 of results. When you optimise for SEO, you are optimising your site for the Search Engines ‘user’ aka their customer and your potential customer and ensuring that your site is Search Engine Friendly. Does your website communicate well with Search Engines? Search Engines will list pages higher that provide the following for their customer:

  1. Answer a question, Educate or solve a problem
  2. Provide a good User Experience

Websites that answer a question, educate or Solve a problem.

Google is continually optimising its SERP for the people who are searching – their customer. If your site is solving problems or answering questions for the searcher in the form of valuable content then this is a big positive. This is indicated by their time on your site and their pages per session. Better content minus jargon equals happy searchers and smaller bounce rates.

If your site has a high bounce rate – people clicking the back button or navigating away from a site – then most likely your site isn’t providing what that ‘Searcher’ was looking for. This is usually an indication to the Search Engine that they should decrease your position and increase another site’s position with a lower bounce rate instead.

Quite simply, Search Engines want their customers – the searchers – to be satisfied. Customer satisfaction is the focus of any good business.

Provide a good User Experience

Along with number 1, Search Engines will look for sites that have fast load times and provide a great experience for their user. Websites that are optimised to load quickly, easy to navigate and provide helpful informative content will always rank higher.

Just like any business, your product is only as good as the experience that goes with it. Inferior products with a great experience and feel often cement themselves in customers minds as premium or better than the ‘best’ product with poor execution on experience.

I hope this post is bringing some clarity, but you may still be asking, “But Why?”

SEO gives your business, personal blog, or cause a huge competitive advantage online. When your website is listed on page 1 of the Search Results (SERPs) and in the top positions aka ‘above the fold’, you are guaranteeing your site will get more traffic. Better yet, your website will be in front of your customers when they’re looking for the service or solution you provide.

Take a moment to consider your own Searching experience. How often do you navigate to page 2 of the results? – Never.

How frequently do you skip over the Ads and go to the 1st, 2nd or 3rd organic result? If you’re like me and most people, then the answer is all the time.

There’s only so much real estate available on the results page. Make it a priority to reach the top positions on page 1. This is the ‘boardwalk’ of monopoly. The returns on investment can be high.

Where to start?

You may or may not have the time to start doing this for your blog, business or cause. Either way, we are here to help.

Start with these:

    1. Think about what users are searching for and write down keywords and phrases you want to be ranked for.
    2. Engage powerful tools like KW Finder, SEMrush, Moz for keyword research – don’t be afraid to pay.
    3. If using a CMS, get a plugin like YOAST to help with the process of optimisation.
    4. Register your site on Google Webmaster tools.
    5. Update your Page Titles and Meta Descriptions with accurate keywords for your business. Don’t be afraid to include your location if you have a local offering.
    6. Look for quick win linking opportunities – List your website on Business Directories and Set up Social Media Profiles
    7. Get your Google My Business profile active, verified and ready. GMB listings feature prominently on local search queries for services. tip – Ensure your services are listed on there and include price points if you’re offering products.

SEO is A Longterm Investment

The Best Investments offer Compounding Interest

I have heard many people ask the question –

What does SEO cost?

I think the real question is – What is SEO costing your business by not investing in it? 

Search Engine Optimisation, SEO, is a longterm investment with Compounding interest. Albert Einstein referred to Compounding Interest as the Eighth wonder of the world. The fact that your investment can make interest and then your interest can make interest. Amazing, Right?

Investments aren’t just financial. In fact, we can apply the same principles to so many things in our life – Invest your time, talents and resources and you will see a return. Hopefully a compounded return.

Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn’t … pays it. – Albert Einstein

How does this apply to SEO?

Like any good savings/investment plan, a good mix of discipline, consistency and longterm perspective is crucial. Without the daily disciplines, you’ll invest elsewhere. Without consistency, that longterm goal isn’t achievable. Without a longterm perspective, you will cash in your longterm investment for something in the short term.

Take this approach with SEO. Implement these three items and you’re sure to see an increase in traffic to your website and all the great returns that come with it i.e.. sales, influence, and lead nurturing.

  1. Discipline – Set aside time each week to write content that addresses your target customer personas. It has to cost something or else you don’t really see it as valuable. It’s a tradeoff but it’s for the bigger, long-term perspective.
  2. Consistency – Set a posting schedule. Your future customers online will appreciate the consistency and this will develop trust. What’s the point in having an email marketing list if the list doesn’t receive consistent and relevant emails? Consistency will also mean your website posts will be growing at a weekly rate. Your posts will be indexed and Google will start ranking you higher over time as long your focus is strategic. ***think about your customer personas****
  3. Long-term Perspective – Keep the longterm at the forefront of your mind. There are a million things cluttering your mind and wanting your attention. With a longterm perspective, your willing to sacrifice the short term for a greater good for your business. That email can wait. Turn off your notifications for 30 minutes. Add some value to your future customer by answering a question they have or becoming a trusted authority in your industry.

SEO takes time and so by its very nature it is a longterm investment. It is an investment by the way. It’s not a cost. Just ask the SEO guru himself, Neil Patel.

If you invest in SEO strategically, you will be increasing your ranking to the first page of Google Results. Strategic Backlinks will increase your Domain Authority. Content will be a lead magnet with inbound marketing – Keep your customer persona in mind! When all of these things work together, your customer will know where to find you. Search Engines will know which site to list first to answer questions pertaining to your industry. All of these things combined with a strategic layout of your site will make for continued, sustainable lead generation and sales on your website.

Don’t hesitate, Start investing in your SEO today and remember that not everything urgent is important. 80% of the things wanting your attention right now, could wait for you to finish your daily allocated investment in SEO.

Not everything urgent is important. 80% of the things wanting your attention right now, could wait for you to finish your daily allocated investment in SEO.

Still not making sense or don’t want to do it yourself? Let’s talk today.